设计师品牌VICTOR LI ID607 推出全新春夏系列
年4月29日,上海——设计师品牌VICTOR LI推出春夏系列。该系列呈现了一场幻想中的“白日梦之旅 ”。因为全球疫情的原因,原本计划好的夏威夷之旅并没有办法真的去实现。设计师Victor把想象中旅行的美好和夏威夷的独特魅力,以朦胧的幻想呈现在本季的设计之中。
继上一季推出“100%再生”胶囊系列之后,这一季VICTOR LI将继续采用由环保纱线织制的线衫,以及再生棉制成的T恤和运动衫。本季第一次尝试纯女装版型,并增加了多次女模试装以确保最完美的剪裁。同时,VICTOR LI额外改进了本季的全部金属配件,以可360度转动的金属小花为主,搭配帽衫、连衣裙、西装外套和裤装。
VICTOR LI 春夏系列以朦胧的幻想,为大家带来了夏日白日梦之旅的无限温柔。
Launched in in New York City by Parsons graduate Victor Li, the eponymous brand thought to engage with and give presence to an underrepresented demographic that desired an alternative aesthetic in place of the oversaturated streetwear scene. VICTOR LI taps into the modern, youthful spirit of contemporary masculinity by designing men's collections with a focus on classic, timeless silhouettes that are refreshed for the younger generation. The brand debuted its first women’s collection in , with the same emphasis on strong tailoring and borrowing fabrics and motifs from the men's. Instilling his penchant for boyish charm and eye for color, each season is a reflection of his adventures and memories through travel and what draws us to destinations around the world. VICTOR LI sets out to translate this shared experience of travel through incorporating cross-cultural ideas and techniques in each collection.
Parsons Fashion Design毕业生Victor Li于年在纽约创立了自己的同名品牌,以复制旅行中的记忆为初衷,主旨为打造适用于当代绅士生活方式的度假风格成衣。 VICTOR LI充分展示了现代且具有故事性的男装风格,以经典永恒的廓型和设计独特的细节,为年轻一代的男装设计注入新的活力。VICTOR LI于年推出了首个女装系列,利用男装面料和主题佐以修身的剪裁,为女装带来随性且大气的独特设计。VICTOR LI 每个系列都充满着对色彩的敏感,以及男孩气般对旅途中的冒险和回忆的注视,邀请穿者与其一起共享记忆中美好的的旅行经历。